Making the World a better place for everyone…

  Posted in ANGEL Inter-Governmental Organization on

  by Count David

Every day, I hear we need to tear down the borders and share what we have with everyone else.  That only works in the Liberals mind until you ask him to give up a share of his holdings.  Then suddenly they lose the mightier than thou attitude and become really quiet.  There really isn’t a …

Greetings and Welcome!

  Posted in ANGEL Inter-Governmental Organization on

  by Count David


I am pleased to share with you the new MP4 trailer for the ANGEL Inter-Governmental Organization (IGO).  I am proud to say the ANGEL Inter-Governmental Organization is a sovereign entity and is accredited with bilateral accession with the World Humanity Commission-IGO, International Commission of Diplomatic Relations Human Rights and Peace- IGO, International Human Rights Organization-IGO, the …